18/10/ · Du suchst Inspiration für die perfekte Tinder-Biografie als Mann oder Frau? Diese 17 Ideen und Beispiele bringen Dir mehr Matches! 26/08/ · Du hast keine Lust auf eine ausführliche Selbstbeschreibung in Deinem Tinder-Profil? Große Poesie muss es auch nicht unbedingt sein? Damit das Feld für den Beschreibungstext nicht leer bleibt, haben wir ein paar nette Profilsprüche gesammelt. Dem BeschreibungstextEstimated Reading Time: 2 mins 24/08/ · This wikiHow teaches you how to use Tinder, which is a match-making social app. To use Tinder properly, you'll first have to install the Tinder app and create an account. Once your account is live and you're acquainted with the Tinder interface and settings, you'll be Views: M
Tinder-Profil: 8 Tipps für die perfekte Beschreibung im Profiltext als Mann
This article was written by Jack Beschreibung tinder. Jack Lloyd is beschreibung tinder Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles.
He is technology enthusiast and an English teacher. The wikiHow Tech Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work.
This article has been viewed 1, beschreibung tinder, times. This wikiHow teaches you how to use Tinder, which is a match-making social app. To use Tinder properly, you'll first have to install the Tinder app and create an account.
Once your account is live and you're acquainted with the Tinder interface and settings, you'll be matching with other users in no time, beschreibung tinder. When prompted to do so, allow Tinder to access your location services and beschreibung tinder whether or not you want to receive notifications, which will complete beschreibung tinder profile using your Facebook account information.
You can also swipe left or press the X button to dislike a profile, beschreibung tinder, which will stop it showing up in your feed. When someone likes you back, chat to them by going to your messages, in the top right corner of your screen.
For tips on how to change your discovery settings and Tinder notifications, beschreibung tinder reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No. Log in Social login does not work in incognito and private browsers. Please log in with your username or email to continue. wikiHow Account. No account yet? Create an account. Beschreibung tinder Dashboard Write an Article Request a New Article More Ideas Edit this Article. Courses New Tech Skills for Work New Coaching New Expert Videos About wikiHow Pro Upgrade Sign In, beschreibung tinder.
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By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings, beschreibung tinder. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together.
Learn why people trust wikiHow. Categories Relationships Dating Online Dating Online Dating Services Tinder How to Use the Tinder App. Download Article Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles.
Article Summary. Written by Jack Lloyd Last Updated: August 24, Tested. Part 1 of Download the Tinder app, beschreibung tinder. You can download Tinder for iPhone from the App Storeor for Android from the Google Play Store. Tap LOG IN WITH FACEBOOK. This blue button is at the bottom of the screen.
You'll need the Facebook app and an active Facebook account to create a Tinder account. Tap OK when prompted. This will allow Tinder access to your Facebook information, beschreibung tinder.
If your Facebook login information isn't saved on your device, you'll first enter your Facebook email address and password, beschreibung tinder. Tap Allow when prompted. This will turn on location services for Tinder.
For Tinder to work, you must leave location services on. Determine whether or not you want to receive notifications. Either tap I WANT TO BE NOTIFIEDor opt out by tapping NOT NOW.
Once you do this, your Tinder profile will be created using your Facebook account information. Tinder is free to use, but you can buy Tinder Gold later if you want some extra features. Part 2 of Review the Tinder page. You'll see an image in the middle of the page; this is a profile of another Tinder user nearby. Look at the buttons at the bottom of the screen, beschreibung tinder.
These buttons allow you to interact with other people's profiles. From left to right, these buttons do the following: Undo - Tapping this yellow arrow will undo your last swipe. You must purchase a Tinder Plus subscription to do this, beschreibung tinder. Dislike - Tap this red X icon to dislike a profile, beschreibung tinder. You can also swipe left over a profile to perform this action. Boost - This purple lightning bolt icon boosts your profile's visibility for thirty minutes.
You get one free boost per month. Like - The green, heart-shaped icon likes a profile, which allows you to match with them if they like you back. You can also swipe right over beschreibung tinder profile to perform this action. Super Like - Likes a profile and alerts the user that you've liked their profile. You have three free super-likes per month.
You can also swipe up on a person's profile to perform this step. Check beschreibung tinder Tinder messages. To do this, tap the speech bubble icon in the top-right corner of the screen, beschreibung tinder.
This will load any conversations you've had with your matches. Switch Tinder to social mode. While Tinder is first and foremost a dating app, tapping the switch at the top-center of the screen switches Tinder over to a more platonic mode. Tap the beschreibung tinder icon. It's the person-shaped icon in the top-left corner of the screen, beschreibung tinder.
Doing so will open your profile, where you can set up your profile options. Part 3 of Tap SETTINGS. It's the gear-shaped icon on the beschreibung tinder screen. Doing so will open your Tinder settings. View the "DISCOVERY" settings. These settings affect your Tinder browsing and the kinds of profiles you will see.
Location iPhoneSwiping in Android : Change your current location. Maximum Distance iPhoneSearch Distance Android : Raise or lower the match-making search radius. Gender iPhoneShow me Android : Select a gender you're interested in. Currently, beschreibung tinder, Tinder only has options for MenWomenand Men and Women. Age Range iPhonebeschreibung tinder, Show Ages Android : Raise or lower the maximum age you're interested in. Review the other settings items. You can edit your notifications settings, view the privacy policy, or log out of Tinder from this menu.
Tap Done iPhone or. Review your current photos. These are at the top of the Edit Info beschreibung tinder. You can do a couple beschreibung tinder different things here: Beschreibung tinder and drag a photo beschreibung tinder the large photo tile to replace your primary profile photo. Tap x in the bottom-right corner of a photo to delete it from Tinder. You can also slide the Smart Photos switch right to allow Tinder to choose a photo for you.
Enter a profile description, beschreibung tinder. You'll do this in the "About Name " field. There is a character limit for your description, beschreibung tinder. Review your profile's information.
There are several aspects you can edit here: Current Work - Tap this to view different options for your current occupation.
Tinder (app) - Wikipedia
18/10/ · Du suchst Inspiration für die perfekte Tinder-Biografie als Mann oder Frau? Diese 17 Ideen und Beispiele bringen Dir mehr Matches! 26/08/ · Du hast keine Lust auf eine ausführliche Selbstbeschreibung in Deinem Tinder-Profil? Große Poesie muss es auch nicht unbedingt sein? Damit das Feld für den Beschreibungstext nicht leer bleibt, haben wir ein paar nette Profilsprüche gesammelt. Dem BeschreibungstextEstimated Reading Time: 2 mins 24/08/ · This wikiHow teaches you how to use Tinder, which is a match-making social app. To use Tinder properly, you'll first have to install the Tinder app and create an account. Once your account is live and you're acquainted with the Tinder interface and settings, you'll be Views: M
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