After my experiences and research I would say online dating is a waste of time for most men. Unless you are: extremely good looking, wealthy, or have something that seperates you from the hundreds of messages women recieve daily; your going to have very little Online dating is virtually worthless for the average straight male for two reasons Straight women commonly use online dating platforms just to get attention - I personally know several women who have created Tinder/OkCupid/POF profiles just to enjoy the onslaught of attention they'll get just by having a profile. They had no serious intention of meeting anybody There you have it – why online dating doesn’t work for most guys, plus 5 steps to turn your game around. Of course, you can do it in 1 easy step by hiring a team of modern dating experts. One quick phone call, and you could be enjoying a date with your dream girl each weekend instead of spending 12 hours a week sending out message after message hoping to get a blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
Is Online Dating Worth It For Guys - Is Online Dating Different for Men and Women?
Since everyone was trying online dating I decided to give it a try. In real life I often have a number of opportunities to date very beautiful women, and I am by no means a very good looking guy or wealthy guy. I would probably rate myself a seven and thats being extremely generous in the looks department, and my income is below average… but in real life I have no problem dating beautiful women who are often rated a ten. Could my real life experiences with women be translated to the online sphere?
I decided to try it out. I decided to join the extremely popular dating website, Plenty of Fish POF. I uploaded my best photographs on the website and identified myself as an IT professional. My photographs would probably rate me in the looks department as a seven just above average. I started sending numerous messages to various women on POF who interested me, and these women were rated in the looks department anywhere between five and ten.
I sent well over 50 messages to various women and received replies from three women! One woman sent me a message telling me I was sweet, however she never responded to my further messages, and the same thing happened with the two other women who responded. I continued sending a multitude of messages to various women and received no responses! Comparing myself with other men on the website, I definitely was better looking than a majority of guys on the website, but for some reason I was getting virtually no responses from any women.
I needed to know why this was happening. In real life, I could definitely get dates with women I was attracted to by applying myself, but online it was a totally different ball game. No women online seemed interested in me. What was I missing? I decided to investigate online dating in more depth. I started up a different profile on POF, but I created a fake profile who was a female. I used photographs of an amateur model who was probably rated a seven in the looks department, and uploaded her photos onto the fake POF profile.
Is online dating worth it for guys the female profile I stated I was a nursing student seeking a long term relationship. Before I had finished filling out is online dating worth it for guys profile description, I had already recieved 3 or 4 messages from men! Then the messages never stopped, at one point I was recieving a is online dating worth it for guys every minute. This was an interesting experience for me, because it helped me see online dating from a womans perspective.
A womans experience on an online dating website is far different than a mans experience. In real life, many men are too afraid to approach and ask out a beautiful woman, but on is online dating worth it for guys internet, men have no problem asking them out, because they are hiding behind an iphone or keyboard, is online dating worth it for guys. A beautiful woman on the street might have one guy ask her out in the space of an hour, but on the internet they are getting asked out every minute.
The odds are definitely stacked against you if your a male trying out online dating. I decided to start up another fake online dating profile for research purposes. This time I started up a fake profile of a guy who owned a number of businesses. I posted photographs of him standing next to his ferrari, and in the profile description I listed his occupation as a business owner, is online dating worth it for guys.
I stated in the profile that I often travelled around the world on business, and was a very successful business owner, who owned his own construction company among other businesses. With this fake profile setup, I started messaging women. I started to get immediate responses from very beautiful women rated a This was definitely very interesting. After women started messaging the profile and wanting to meet up with this guy, I decided to delete the account, in case these women chased down my friend by reverse searching his pictures on google.
Women have so many options online sometimes they get a message per minute from different men so they are extremely picky. If you are presented with hundreds of potential partners every week, you are only going to choose the absolute best. Women feel comforted by wealth because they want to be taken care of this is a natural instinct as women instinctively want a hunter to provide for them; and any children that may be born.
Having a high degree of wealth seperates you from the hundreds of offers women recieve. After my experiences and research I would say online dating is a waste of time for most men.
Unless you are: extremely good looking, wealthy, or have something that seperates you from the hundreds of messages women recieve daily; your going to have very little success at meeting the woman of your dreams.
On dating apps like Tinder, you have to like each other just to get a match with these girls, and you cannot even message them unless you get a match. But in real life, you simply have to walk up to one of these women and give them your pitch. Rejected or accepted, you still have more of a chance in real life than you do online. Why compete online with hundreds of men messaging these girls, when you can just approach them in real life where theres often no competition? You are commenting using your WordPress.
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Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content Since everyone was trying online dating I decided to give it a try. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.
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Why Online Dating Doesn’t Work For Most Guys (& What To Do About It)
After my experiences and research I would say online dating is a waste of time for most men. Unless you are: extremely good looking, wealthy, or have something that seperates you from the hundreds of messages women recieve daily; your going to have very little He found that inequality on dating apps is stark, and that it was significantly worse for men. The top 1% of guys get more than 16% of all likes on the app, compared to just over 11% for the top 1 Estimated Reading Time: 1 min Women judge 80 percent of male profiles as “unattractive” in some way. 70 percent of Tinder users reported never going on a date. If the average man, under average conditions, wants to be 99% certain he’ll receive a reply to a message online he will need to Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
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